How To Cut A Cantaloupe

How To Cut A Cantaloupe

For those of you reading this who have had the pleasure of tasting cantaloupe, you’ll know that it’s one of the tastiest and freshest fruits out there. It’s the perfect snack to indulge in with friends and family as the weather grows warmer outside.

How To Cut A Cantaloupe

Nowadays, you can purchase pre packaged cantaloupe fruit in most supermarkets and grocery stores. 

Although it is convenient to have your fruit already sliced up for you, it does have its drawbacks. For example, pre sliced cantaloupe will never be quite as fresh as one you’ve prepared yourself.

In addition, you tend to get very small portions, and they’re often far more costly than purchasing a whole cantaloupe fruit yourself. 

The trouble is, many of us don’t actually know how to slice up this popular fruit. But don’t worry, because that’s where we come in.

Below, we’ve compiled a handy step by step guide that shows you some different, easy ways to slice up cantaloupe fruit. To find out more, simply keep reading below, as we take a closer look. 

How To Slice A Cantaloupe Fruit 

So, why not just jump straight in with our handy guide, and show you the very best way to slice a cantaloupe. We explain everything in detail, and provide some handy hints and tricks along the way to make the process as easy as possible. 

Step 1

In order to get started with slicing up your cantaloupe fruit, you’ll want to gather your equipment. All you’ll need is a sturdy chopping board, along with a sharp knife to slice through the flesh.

After you’ve done this, you’ll want to go ahead and cut off both ends. This helps to give you a flat surface to work on. We’d recommend cutting off around an inch on both sides. 

Step 2

After you’ve done this, you can then take your knife, and begin slicing off the flesh using a downward motion.

Make sure that you’re cutting as little of the flesh inside off as possible, and that you’re staying as close to the surface of the skin as you can.

Don’t worry if this means that you’re still leaving behind some greenish areas in places, as you can go back to these and carefully slice them off afterward. Repeat this slicing motion all around the cantaloupe, turning it in a circular motion as you go.

Step 3 

Now that you’ve peeled off all of the flesh, you can then go ahead and cut your melon (see also: How To Cut A Watermelon)lengthways down the center, so that it’s in two halves. Make sure that you make this cut as central as possible, so that you’re left with two parts that are pretty much equal. 

Step 4 

Now that you’ve cut through the surface of the cantaloupe, the seeds inside will be exposed. Thankfully, these are super easy to clean out, and all you’ll need is a spoon. Simply insert the spoon inside the cantaloupe half, and scoop them all out into a bowl. 

Step 5 

Now’s the part where you’re actually going to be cutting your cantaloupe into wedges. This process is incredibly simple, and is very easy to serve up on a plate.

How To Cut A Cantaloupe

In order to get started with your slicing, turn one of the cantaloupe halves bottom side down, so that the hollow end is facing the chopping board. After you’ve done this, you can then go ahead and start slicing them from left to right. 

Start from the place where you chopped off the cantaloupe ends at the beginning of this guide. You can make these slices as thick or as thin as you like, just try to get them as even as possible. 

Step 6 

That’s it! You’re done slicing your cantaloupe. After you’ve chopped it up, make sure that you store the slices in an airtight container, as this will help to ensure that they remain fresh for as long as possible. 

We would however, recommend that you consume them sooner rather than later, as the longer you leave the slices, the more the juices tend to run out. 

Tips For Choosing The Best Cantaloupe 

Now that we’ve presented you with our handy step by step guide, we’d like to provide you with some advice for choosing the best cantaloupe. 

Test For Ripeness

The first thing that you’re going to want to do is to test your cantaloupe for ripeness. You don’t want it to be too hard, but you don’t want a squishy mess on your hands either.

To test ripeness, press down on the surface of the melon with your finger, and there should be a little bit of give. 


Another good tip for choosing a good cantaloupe is to test it for heaviness. Essentially, the heavier the better, as riper cantaloupes will be lighter than those which are underdeveloped. 


A ripe cantaloupe will smell fruity, but won’t be overly pungent or overpowering in terms of scent. If you can’t smell anything at all, then chances are that it’s still underdeveloped. 


Finally, take note of the lines on the surface of the cantaloupe, these gray lines should be well raised at the time of purchase. 

Final Thoughts 

We sincerely hope that our guide has been of help to you, and aids you on your journey to slicing up the perfect cantaloupe.

How to Cut a Cantaloupe | Fast and Easy