Hot buffalo wings

Buffalo Wild Wings Diarrhea: Exploring the Love, the Burn, and the Aftermath

With over 7,600 restaurants worldwide, Buffalo Wild Wings has become synonymous with flavorful chicken.

It’s a haven for sports enthusiasts and spice lovers. However, many talk about the consequences of too many wings.

Is Buffalo Wild Wings diarrhea a legit phenomenon? What causes you to have loose bowels, and how can you prevent it? Find out in this article!

The Love for Spicy Chicken Wings

Sauced Buffalo Chicken Wings on a Wooden board With Celery

Buffalo Wild Wings has some of the spiciest recipes around. As of 2023, it has 26 sauces and rubs ranging from mild to extremely hot.

Consuming spicy food, like Buffalo Wild Wings, triggers the release of endorphins in our bodies. If you didn’t know, these are the feel-good chemicals that relieve us from the pain of eating hot food.

Over time, spicy food enthusiasts develop a tolerance. Each bite turns into a pleasurable challenge rather than an ordeal.

Spice and Digestion

The downside to eating spicy food is that it can cause diarrhea for those with sensitive stomachs.

The key player responsible for the fiery sensation you feel when you eat Buffalo Wild Wings is capsaicin. It’s a compound you can find in all chili peppers.

When ingested, capsaicin engages with pain receptors, creating a burning sensation. This makes the body see it as a threat.

What’s more, once capsaicin reaches the gastrointestinal tract, your colon speeds digestion to get rid of the threat.

As a result, you may end up with the occasional diarrhea. Don’t worry, this is a common symptom among those who eat spicy food!

What to Do If You Have Buffalo Wild Wings Diarrhea

Alleviating the symptoms of a reaction to spicy food involves soothing the effects of capsaicin. Here are some tips to ease the reaction.

Rice porridge in a bowl with wooden spoon
  • Milk or Dairy Products: Dairy contains casein, a protein that helps break down and wash away the capsaicin. Milk, yogurt, or ice cream can provide relief.
  • Starchy Foods: Starchy foods, like rice porridge, can help absorb and dilute the spicy oils. The starch may also produce a more solid bowel movement.
  • Plain Water and Ice: Drinking water prevents you from getting dehydrated from loose bowels.
  • Potassium-Rich Food: Bananas and russet potatoes, in particular, can aid in your recovery. They have a high sodium and potassium content perfect for replenishing electrolytes in your body.
  • Wait It Out: Time is a natural remedy. The burning sensation will diminish with time as capsaicin gets metabolized.

Remember, everyone’s tolerance for spice varies, so you should find what works best for you.

If the symptoms persist or become severe, it’s advisable to seek medical attention. It could be a sign of a more serious reaction or underlying issue!

Recognizing Signs of Food Poisoning vs. Spicy Food Reaction

You now know that occasional diarrhea might be a result of eating spicy buffalo wings. Still, it’s crucial to distinguish between a harmless reaction and potential food poisoning.

Chicken is a major source of Salmonella. According to the CDC, one in every 25 packages of chicken in groceries has contamination. Knowing the difference can save a life!

Here’s a brief comparison of the symptoms of food poisoning vs. a spice reaction.

1. Duration of Symptoms

In a spicy food reaction, discomfort and mild symptoms usually subside within a few hours.

However, in cases of food poisoning, symptoms persist or worsen over time. Some may even last for more than a day!

2. Onset Time

When you’re reacting to spicy chicken wings, the diarrhea makes itself known shortly after consuming the food.

In food poisoning, the onset is longer. It could take hours or even days after consuming contaminated food!

3. Nature of Diarrhea

Diarrhea resulting from spiciness and isn’t persistent. Meanwhile, diarrhea may be severe for food poisoning.

In the latter case, the loose bowel takes longer and shows other symptoms. This includes vomiting and fever!

4. Timing of Symptoms in Others

Others who consumed the same spicy food experienced similar mild reactions. Plus, cases of diarrhea are more isolated as not everyone is sensitive to the spice.

This isn’t the case for food poisoning. Here, many people who consumed a shared meal show signs of illness. It indicates a potential foodborne outbreak.

5. Extra Symptoms

The expected reactions to spicy foods are a burning sensation and occasional diarrhea. Pregnant women may feel more symptoms. Heartburn is common since the uterus pushes stomach acids into the esophagus.

In food poisoning, the symptoms may include abdominal pain, cramps, and nausea. You may experience vomiting, fever, and bloody stool.

You must be vigilant and seek medical attention if symptoms align more with food poisoning than a typical reaction to spicy food. If in doubt, consulting with healthcare providers ensures proper diagnosis and treatment!

What to Do in Case of Food Poisoning

Experiencing food poisoning can be distressing, but prompt action is essential to mitigate its impact.

If you suspect that your symptoms go beyond a typical reaction to spicy food, consider the following steps.

Young Man Suffering from Nausea and food poisoning at home

1. Stay Hydrated

Diarrhea and vomiting can lead to dehydration.

Drink plenty of fluids, such as water, soup, or oral rehydration solutions. This replenishes lost fluids and electrolytes.

2. Rest and Track Symptoms

Allow your body to rest as it fights off the infection.

Watch the severity and duration of symptoms. If symptoms worsen, seek medical attention!

3. Tell the Health Department

Food poisoning cases are under-reported, and people often choose to self-medicate. Yet, reporting to the health department prevents foodborne outbreaks!

If you suspect that your symptoms link to a restaurant or food service, report the incident to health officials immediately.

4. Prevent Spread

For those diagnosed with a foodborne illness, practice good hygiene to prevent spreading the infection to others.

Wash hands thoroughly and avoid preparing food for others!


Buffalo Wild Wings, with its fiery offerings, continues to spice up our lives and lets us create memories.

While Buffalo Wild Wings diarrhea accompanies our love for chicken wings, it’s essential to be aware of food poisoning signs. As long as you take precautions, you can certainly eat without worry.

So, spice up your life, savor the burn, and embrace the delightful chaos that comes with each flavorful bite!